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Environment variables with AWS SSM Run Command

I am using AWS SSM Run Command with the AWS-RunShellScript document to run a script on an AWS Linux 1 instance. Part of the script includes using an environment variable. When I run the script myself, everything is fine. But when I run the script with SSM, it can't see the environment variable. This variable needs to be passed to a Python script. I had originally been trying os.environ['VARIABLE'] to no effect.

I know that AWS SSM uses root privileges and so I have put a line exporting the variable in the root ~/.bashrc file, yet it still can not see the variable. The root user can see it when I run it myself. Is it not possible for AWS SSM to use environment variables, or am I not exporting it correctly? If it is not possible, I'll try using AWS KMS instead to store my variable.





Security is important, hence why I don't want to just store the variable in the script.

SSM does not open an actual SSH session so passing environment variables won't work. It's essential a daemon running on the box that's taking your requests and processing them. It's a very basic product: it doesn't support any of the standard features that come with SSH such as SCP, port forwarding, tunneling, passing of env variables etc. An alternative way of passing a value you need to a script would be to store it in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store , and have your script pull the variable from the store.
You'll need to update your instance role permissions to have access to ssm:GetParameters for the script you run to access the value stored.

My solution to this problem:

set -o allexport; source /etc/environment; set +o allexport

-o allexport enables all variables in /etc/environment to be exported. +o allexport disables this feature.

For more information see the Set builtin documentation

I have tested this solution by using the AWS CLI command aws ssm send-command :

"commands": [
    "set -o allexport; source /etc/environment; set +o allexport",
    "echo $TEST_VAR > /home/ec2-user/app.log"

I am running bash script in my SSM command document, so I just source the profile/script to have env variables ready to be used by the subsequent commands. For example,

"runCommand": [
      ". /tmp/setEnv.sh",
      "echo \"myVar: $myVar, myVar2: $myVar2\""

You can refer to Can a shell script set environment variables of the calling shell? for sourcing your env variables. For python, you will have to parse your source profile/script, see Emulating Bash 'source' in Python

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