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How to get element from inner DOM.(DOM with-in DOM)


I am attempting to get an element by id. The problem I am running into is working with a complex DOM. I understand I can get a element by id. document.getElementById('#some-id')

The DOM that I am working with seems to have an two inner DOMs . My question is how do I get an ID from an inner DOM . I have attached a screen shot as shown below to demostrate what I am working with as you can see from the screen shot there are two document objects and the root document object is what I am currently receiving when printing out the contents of the document object.


How do you get an element that exists embedded within another DOM .

Screen Shot:



<!--Root DOM-->
    <!DOCTYPE html>
<!--Creates dom object-->
    <iframe id="i1" src="iframe1.html">
        <!--Creates dom object-->
        <iframe id="i2" src="iframe2.html">
            <!--How do you access this element by id.-->
            <div id="flyover">

Technically, you're correct - the iframe will host its own DOM.

You have to traverse the outer DOMs into the sub-frame you're attempting to perform operations on:



document.getElementById( /* your ID */ ).contentWindow.document.getElementById("flyout");

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