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In R Studio, how can I stop my for-loop from overwriting stored output with the most recent output?

I've build a for-loop that should store the first and surname of a soccer player (scraped from a website) in separate columns, but the for-loop keeps overwriting all stored results with the most recent output.

noplayers <- 3 # the amount of players I want to run the loop for while testing my code
playeridtest <- playerid[1:noplayers] # assign the three IDs to a vector
playernames <- rep(NA, noplayers) 
playernames <- as.data.frame(playernames) # Create an empty data frame to store results in
playernames$id <- playeridtest # Add the three player IDs to the ID column

for(i in playeridtest){
  scoresway <- paste("http://www.scoresway.com?sport=soccer&page=person&id=",i, sep="")
  scoresway <- read_html(scoresway)
  urlnodescorefirst <- html_node(scoresway, "dd:nth-child(2)")
  urltextscorefirst <- html_text(urlnodescorefirst)
  playernames$first <- urltextscorefirst
  urlnodescoresur <- html_node(scoresway, "dd:nth-child(4)")
  urltextscoresur <- html_text(urlnodescoresur)
  playernames$sur <- urltextscoresur

Using the test vector of 3 player IDs to find the first and surnames, it keeps storing the name of the third player three times. (Lahm's ID = 14)

id first    sur
4  Philipp Lahm
11 Philipp Lahm
14 Philipp Lahm
for(i in seq_along(playeridtest)) { # Note change here
  scoresway <- paste("http://www.scoresway.com?sport=soccer&page=person&id=",playeridtest[i], sep="")
  scoresway <- read_html(scoresway)
  urlnodescorefirst <- html_node(scoresway, "dd:nth-child(2)")
  urltextscorefirst <- html_text(urlnodescorefirst)
  playernames$first[i] <- urltextscorefirst
  urlnodescoresur <- html_node(scoresway, "dd:nth-child(4)")
  urltextscoresur <- html_text(urlnodescoresur)
  playernames$sur[i] <- urltextscoresur


  playernames id   first          sur
1          NA  4 Maarten Stekelenburg
2          NA 11  Robert         Huth
3          NA 14 Philipp         Lahm

The column of playernames$playernames is a result of the code you included at the top. Just skip these two lines, and replace with the third:

# playernames <- rep(NA, noplayers) 
# playernames <- as.data.frame(playernames)

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