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Finite permutations of a list python

I have a list and would like to generate a finite number of permutation with no repeated elements.


gives all possible orderings but I only need a specific number of permutation. (my initial list contains ~200 elements => 200! will take an unreasonable amount of time and I don't need all of them)

what I have done so far

def createList(My_List):
    New_List = random.sample(My_List, len(My_List))
    return New_List

def createManyList(Nb_of_Lists):
    list_of_list = []
    for i in range(0, Nb_of_Lists):
    return list_of_list

It's working but my List_of_list will not have unique permutations or at least I have no guaranty about it.

Is there any way around to do so? Thanks

Just use islice , which allows you to take a number of elements from an iterable:

from itertools import permutations, islice

n_elements = 1000

list(islice(permutations(x), 0, 1000))

This will return a list of (the first) 1000 permutations.

The reason this works is that permutations returns an iterator , which is an object that generates values to return as they are needed, not immediately. Therefore, the process goes something like this:

  1. The calling function (in this case, list ) asks for the next value from islice
  2. islice checks if 1000 values have been returned; if not, it asks for the next value from permutations
  3. permutations returns the next value, in order

Because of this, the full list of permutations never needs to be generated; we take only as many as we want.

You can do:

i = 0
while i < Nb_of_Lists:
    if createlist() not in list_of_lists:
        i -= 1

This will check if that permutation was already used.

You don't need to roll your own permutation. You just to halt the generator once you get enough:

# python 2.7
import random
import itertools
def createList(My_List):
    New_List = random.sample(My_List, len(My_List))
    return New_List

x = createList(xrange(20))
def getFirst200():
    for i, result in enumerate(itertools.permutations(x)):
        if i == 200:
            raise StopIteration
        yield result

print list(getFirst200()) # print first 200 of the result

This is faster and more memory efficient than 'generate of full set then take first 200' approach

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