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Change value of parent inside component called in ngFor loop

Using angular 7, I am trying to pass an object to a child component inside a ngFor loop, but when i change the value inside, it doesn't change on the parent.

In my parent i have

<div class="pieceContainer" *ngFor="let piece of data?.piece">
  <app-piece [(data)]="piece" (change)="doSomething(event$)"></app-piece>

In my child i have the following, i change the value of data inside a modal and i try to output it:

@Input() data: any;
@Output() change: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();

When from the modal i change the data and i press save, i call:


Does anybody have a clue of why it doesn't update the objects values in the parent component? thanks


@Output() dataChange: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();

You should pass the shared data. Just minor change in:

<app-piece [data]="piece" (change)="doSomething('data')"></app-piece>

对于某些感兴趣的人来说,答案只是放$ event而不是event $。

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