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Conditional formatting formula not working

My conditional formating formula is ignoring one of the conditions. I have 3 conditions but one is being ignored.

My table looks like this and I am trying to highlight the charge sell according to if charge is above or below a pre-determined amount. The amount is conditional on grade and row label

Row label .      Grade .         Charge
Core .            Specialist .     115
Unsocial .        Trainee          56
Core .            Trainee .        67
Unsocial .        Consultant .     110
Unsocial          Specialist .     114

I have tried


The formula is working with the charge and row label condition but not the grade condition as it highlights rows with the wrong grade.

Any suggestions?


It's not clear on what you want to 'highlight' but if you want the row from A:C then select A2:C6 as the Applies To:: and use

=AND($A2="Core", $B2="Trainee", $C2<=111)

That should highlight A4:C4. All conditional formatting rules are relative to the cell in the top left corner of the Applies To:: range. If you are covering multiple columns then you have to make the columns in your formula absolute. If they remain relative, C2 sees the formula as,

'example of the WRONG formula
=AND(C2="Core", D2="Trainee", E2<=111) 

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