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Can I use Sphinx automodule but drop the module name in the signature?

I have a module mod with some submodule submod and use .. automodule:: mod.submod to generate documentation for it.

The signatures of the elements (functions, classes etc.) in the modules now show the qualified name, like mod.submod.my_function(*args, **kwargs) .

I would instead like Sphinx to just show the name of the function, ie the signature my_function(*args, **kwargs) .

Do I have any way to drop the leading module and submodules in the signature?

Omitting module and package names preceding functions, methods and variables is done by setting the add_module_name configuration in your conf.py :

add_module_names = False

This is not obvious because of the numerous autodoc configurations that together with the sphinx-napoleon configurations make you expect the configuration elsewhere.

Yes, try this in docs/mod/submod.rst :

.. automodule:: mod.submod

    .. autofunction:: my_function

See example HTML build and reST source in Pyramid documentation.

Bonus: see the Sphinx docs for Cross-referencing syntax :

If you prefix the content with ~ , the link text will only be the last component of the target. For example, :py:meth: ~Queue.Queue.get will refer to Queue.Queue.get but only display get as the link text.

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