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Navigate to a different stack in react navigation

I have a Switch Navigator and Bottom Tab Navigator. The Swich Navigator has the login screen and the Bottom Tab Navigator has the home screens and logout screen.

Switch Navigator:

const RootStack = createSwitchNavigator(
    AuthLoadingScreen: AuthLoadingScreen,
    Auth: AuthStack,
    AADB2CLogin: AADB2CLogin,
    Home: mainBottomStack
    initialRouteName: "AuthLoadingScreen",


Bottom Tab Navigator:

    const mainBottomStack = createBottomTabNavigator(
    Home: mainStack,
    MedicalRecord: MedicalRecordStack,
    //MedicalRecord: PatientDetails,
    Visit: VisitStack,
    Alerts: AlertStack,
    Profile: PatientDetails,
    //Settings: Logout
    Logout: {
      screen: () => null,
      navigationOptions: {
        tabBarOnPress: () => {
            "Are you sure you want to logout?",
                text: "No",
                style: "cancel"
                text: "Yes",
                onPress: () => {
                  //I want to navigate to switch navigator's Auth screen here...
            { cancelable: false }
    initialRouteName: "Home",
    barStyle: { backgroundColor: "#694fad" }

On logout, in bottom tab navigator, I want to navigate to Switch navigator (to Auth screen). How can navigate between different stacks in react navigation?

Can you change to the following?

Add your TabNavigation 'mainBottomStack' in to the SwitchNavigation

const RootStack = createSwitchNavigator(
    AuthLoadingScreen: AuthLoadingScreen,
    Auth: AuthStack,
    AADB2CLogin: AADB2CLogin,
    Home: mainBottomStack,
    TabNavigation: mainBottomStack
    initialRouteName: "AuthLoadingScreen",


Then navigate to 'Auth' screen like the following,


You can make it work by doing the following in createBottomTabNavigator :

Logout: {
  screen: () => null,
  navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
    tabBarOnPress: () => {
        "Are you sure you want to logout?",
            text: "No",
            style: "cancel"
            text: "Yes",
            onPress: () => {
              AsyncStorage.setItem("token", null);
        { cancelable: false }

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