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How do I send a form through ajax to my php page

I am trying to add a comments section. I have an ajax call that inserts a message to my database. I have php on the page to display all the messages from the table. When I click on the comment section nothing happens.

I tried to initially hard code some variable in javascript just to see if my ajax is atleast making an attempt to insert into my database and it did but then I found this answer send form to php file using ajax and I tried this but it does not work for me.

I made sure the click ID was achnaged and that the hp file was changed to macth the correct url but when I click on submit nothing happens.

I initially had this before I found an answer that I think should work but it does not. Here: send form to php file using ajax

var message='hey how are you';
var task=37;
var Domain='fun';
var Task_Number=37;

function messfunction() {

This is what I have now.


   form = $("#myform").serialize();

     type: "POST",
     url: "mess.php",
     data: form,
     success: function(data){ 

   return false;  


My Form I am using php to output the form, that is why you see php variables as the values.

<form   id= "myform" name ="myform"  method= "POST" action="">
  <input type= "hidden" name="User" value="'.$email.'">
  <input type  ="hidden" name ="date" value="'.date("Y-m-d H:i:s").'">
  <input type="hidden" name="task" value="'.$Tasknumber_modal.'">
  <input type="hidden" name="Domain" value="'.$domain_modal.'">
  <textarea name="message"></textarea>
  <button  id="Butt" >Comment</button>

Here is my mess.php page.




        $sqli= "Insert into Universe.Message (Message,Users,TaskNumber,urlDomain) VALUES(?,?,?,?)";
        $stmt =mysqli_prepare($link,$sqli);
        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt,"ssis",$message,$User,$task,$domain );

.serialize() is more for GET requests in my opinion, as it basically transforms the form data into a string layout ( ?q=Search+Query&id=12 ).

Your first example seems to indicate that your PHP is decoding the formData, so try this instead with your second example:

var form = new formData($('form')[0])

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