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How to decrease the autocompletion delay in visual studio code for python imported packages?

I am using python 3.7.3 and visual studio code 1.33.1. When I import any library like cv2 or numpy and try to use it, the autocompletion takes 4-5 seconds to identify the functions. When I use the default functions like print(),slice(), etc., they autocomplete within 1 second.

I tried using the following config

"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--extension-pkg-whitelist=cv2"],
"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [
import cv2
import numpy
cv2.   #here I need to list all functions

I expect to decrease the autocompletion delay from 4-5 seconds to 1s.

In addition to python.autoComplete.extraPaths , try setting the jediEnabled setting to false, to enable the Microsoft Python Language Server (which is disabled by default):

"python.jediEnabled": false

Then restart/reload VS Code.

When the window is reloaded, open the Output tab then click on your Python file. You should see a " Starting Microsoft Python language server. " message displayed (select Python from the top-right dropdown to see it). There should also be an " Analyzing in background... " message at the bottom status bar.


Wait for the " Analyzing.. " message to disappear (meaning it's finished). If you're enabling this for the first time, it takes a while to download. Also, check the output logs that the language server is searching the correct site-packages paths (paths added to python.autoComplete.extraPaths should appear in the " Configuration Search Paths ").

The autocomplete/intellisense should be much faster now.



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