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Error “jsPDF canvas plugin not installed” with html2pdf.js and Webpack

I'm migrating an Angular app to Webpack which uses the html2pdf.js library.

After having added the package with yarn add html2pdf.js@0.9.0 and added the import 'html2pdf.js' , when I call html2pdf(element, opt) , it shows an alert message :

jsPDF canvas plugin not installed

To me it seems like the jspdf lib is loaded, but the canvas plugin is missing or miss-loaded.

This seems to come from the jsPDF package where come from this alert .

Could anyone help me on getting this working please?

I finally got it working by aliasing html2pdf.js as html2pdf :

environment.plugins.append('Provide', new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
  $: 'jquery',
  html2pdf: 'html2pdf.js',

I have also changed the way to use html2pdf (but it didn't solved the issue when I did it).

I was using it like this :

    var element = document.getElementById('workstations-peripherals-table')
    var opt = {
      filename: 'grid.pdf',
      margin:   10,
      jsPDF:    {
        format: 'a4',
        orientation: 'landscape'
    html2pdf(element, opt)

And now I'm using the promise way:

    var element = document.getElementById('workstations-peripherals-table')
    var opt = {
      filename: 'grid.pdf',
      margin:   10,
      jsPDF:    {
        format: 'a4',
        orientation: 'landscape'

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