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Read XML file using PowerShell and select tags based on conditions

I have to parse the file below and display a few tags in a report.


Based on another post in this forum, I tried the following and it works.

[xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content commchannels.xml
$XmlDocument.CommChannelQueryResponse.CommChannel |
    Format-Table -Property @{L="Name"; E={$_.ChannelName}},
Name Filename
---- --------
C1   a.txt
C2   b.txt

I am trying to improve on this since this code depends on the "Filename" being the first attribute. How do I change this to display the AdapterAttribute.Value which has AdapterAttribute.Name = "Filename" ?

I tried the following and as you can see it does not display anything for "Filename".

$XmlDocument.CommChannelQueryResponse.CommChannel |
    Format-Table -Property @{L="Name";E={$_.ChannelName}},
            $_.AdapterAttribute.Value | Where-Object $_.AdapterAttribute.Name = "Filename"
Name Filename
---- --------

Don't know if you want to get into Xpath expressions... (case sensitive)

(select-xml "/CommChannelQueryResponse/CommChannel/AdapterAttribute" file.xml).node

Name             Value
----             -----
Filename         a.txt
Directory        /dir1
ArchiveDirectory /archive1

(select-xml "/CommChannelQueryResponse/CommChannel/AdapterAttribute[Name/text()='Filename']" file.xml).node

Name     Value
----     -----
Filename a.txt

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