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Why is the `object.size` of an environment smaller than the `object.size` of the objects in the environment?

I ran into a confusing situation while writing a function factory. I have a tibble with columns of identifying information, and a list column containing data.

tib <-
        id_1 = letters[1:3],
        id_2 = LETTERS[1:3],
        data = list(mtcars, iris, volcano)

I created a function factory to make it easy to get the datasets stored in this tibble.

data_getter <- function(data) {
    function(id_1, id_2) {
        where <- data$id_1 == id_1 & data$id_2 == id_2
        data[where, ]$data %>% 

get_from_tib <- data_getter(tib)

In reality, the data frame I am working with is very large. My understanding is that get_from_tib captures an environment that includes tib . I was worried when I did this that by duplication of this large dataset, I would start to run out of memory. However, I was very surprised when the object.size of my function was smaller than the dataset that is supposedly captured by it!

21752 bytes

8416 bytes

This works even If I delete tib from the working environment


8416 bytes

Why is the environment so much smaller? Is object.size simply the wrong function for getting the size of all objects contained in an environment?

Reprex below


tib <-
        id_1 = letters[1:3],
        id_2 = LETTERS[1:3],
        data = list(mtcars, iris, USArrests)

data_getter <- function(data) {
    function(id_1, id_2) {
        where <- data$id_1 == id_1 & data$id_2 == id_2
        data[where, ]$data %>% 

get_from_tib <- data_getter(tib)

get_from_tib('c', 'C')
#> # A tibble: 50 x 4
#>    Murder Assault UrbanPop  Rape
#>     <dbl>   <int>    <int> <dbl>
#>  1   13.2     236       58  21.2
#>  2   10       263       48  44.5
#>  3    8.1     294       80  31  
#>  4    8.8     190       50  19.5
#>  5    9       276       91  40.6
#>  6    7.9     204       78  38.7
#>  7    3.3     110       77  11.1
#>  8    5.9     238       72  15.8
#>  9   15.4     335       80  31.9
#> 10   17.4     211       60  25.8
#> # … with 40 more rows

#> 21752 bytes
#> 8416 bytes

#> 8416 bytes

Created on 2019-04-30 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

This has to do with the part in the ?object.size help page that says

Associated space (eg, the environment of a function and what the pointer in a EXTPTRSXP points to) is not included in the calculation.

The data variable is captured in a closure; it's not really "in" the code of the function that's returned from data_getter .

The pyry::object_size() funciton does a better of job of taking the enclosing environment into consideration as well.

# 21 kB
# 26.9 kB

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