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Use xxhdpi on xhdpi device

I created my app to support screens from hdpi to xxxdpi and everything was working perfect. Images were shown just like they're supposed to. But, now I have a problem with Xiaomi Mi Max 3. It has 6,9" display with a resolution of only 1080x2160 which gives a ~350 dpi. That falls into xhdpi category (usually 720p screens) and now my images are smaller then they should be. Is there any way to force the use of drawable-xxhdpi folder with code?

just create another file like as:



and link your image file from anydpi xml code for supporting every screen size. see more information from official website or visit What Is The Difference Between -anydpi And -nodpi?

Ok, thanks to Md.Abdullah I found a solution. You cannot choose which folder of resources to use but you can use specific resource from a folder with getDrawableForDensity() method. This is what I did:

int width = Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;
int dpi = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;
int imageID = R.drawable.YOURIMAGE;
if (width > VALUE && dpi < VALUE) {
        Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawableForDensity(imageId, DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XXHIGH);
//you will probably need to adjust width & height of your ImageView, but since the image
//will keep its aspect ratio, you only have to change width | heigth

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