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Is there a way to switch between angular material tabs based on a form submission from contents of those tabs?

I am working on an angular web app. I require to control my angular tabs based on actiions performed in the contents of those tabs. For instance I have the following tabs: Item Information, Variations, Pricing , Inventory, etc and these tabs contain forms loaded by angular components. I want to automatically switch to Variations tab when Item Information form submits successfully. Also, user should not be able to switch to variations tab before saving item information.

<mat-tab-group class=" navbar-default panel-piluku  nav nav-justified nav-wizard nav-progression" > 
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Item Info" label="Item Info">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Variations" label="Variations">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Pricing" label="Pricing">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Inventory" label="Inventory">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Images" label="Images">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Locations" label="Locations">
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private productsService: ProductsService, private router: Router, public dialog: MatDialog, private suppliersService: SuppliersService) { }
  submitProduct = function(){
    this.product["sku"] = this.sku;
    this.product["alternate_sku"] = this.alternate_sku;
    this.product["product_name"] = this.product_name;
    this.product["product_description"] = this.product_description;
    this.product["category"] = this.category_id;
    this.product["price_per_unit"] = this.price_per_unit;
    this.product["reorder_level"] = this.reorder_level;
    this.product["discontinued"] = this.discontinued;
    this.product["cost"] = this.cost;
    this.product["default_price"] = this.default_price;
    this.product["best_price"] = this.best_price;
    this.product["medium_price"] = this.medium_price;
    this.product["brand"] = this.brand;
    this.product["upc"] = this.upc;
      ````Here the tab should switch```````
<form action="submitProduct()" id="item_form" class="form-horizontal" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">

  <input type="hidden" name="ecommerce_product_id" value="" />

      <div class="form-actions">
        <input type="submit" name="submitf" value="Save" id="submitf"
          (click)="submitProduct()" class="submit_button floating-button btn btn-lg btn-primary" />

One can control the tab selected using the selectIndex input to the mat-tab-group . To Change the tabSelected , set it to the tab index you need and the tab changes to the set index.

To do that i would simply define a service and use behavior subjects . My service definition :

my-tab.service.ts :


export class MyTabService{
 tabSubject : BehaviorSubject<number> = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);


 setTabSelected(tabIndex : number){

 getTabSelected() {

Now Subscribe to getTabSelected() in your tabs component and you'll get the tabIndex in the subscription response .

Considering your tabs component to be my-tab.component.ts ,

export class MyTabComponent {
 selectdIndex : number = 0;
 constructor(private _myTabService : MyTabService){}


 this.-myTabService.getTabSelected().subscribe((tabIndex : number) =>{
  this.selectedIndex = tabIndex;


Use the selectedIndex in your template :

<mat-tab-group class=" navbar-default panel-piluku  nav nav-justified nav-wizard nav-progression" [selectedIndex]='selectedIndex'> 
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Item Info" label="Item Info">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Variations" label="Variations">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Pricing" label="Pricing">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Inventory" label="Inventory">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Images" label="Images">
  <mat-tab class="outbound_link" role="button" title="Locations" label="Locations">

For more information on inputs and events in mat tab group refer : Mat Tab

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