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How can we log both user and bot messages to comos db in microsoft bot framework

I have created a chat bot using microsoft bot framework v4 sdk. I wanted to log bot user and bot messages to cosmos db.

i am able to log only user messages using below blog https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-howto-v4-storage?view=azure-bot-service-4.0&tabs=csharp#using-cosmos-db .

I expect to log both user and bot responses.

Thankfully, this is pretty easy since ItranscriptLogger and TranscriptLoggerMiddleware already exist.

Create your TranscriptStore Class (new Class file)

using Microsoft.Bot.Builder;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure;
using Microsoft.Bot.Schema;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace QuickTestBot_CSharp
    public class CosmosTranscriptStore : ITranscriptLogger
        private CosmosDbStorage _storage;

        public CosmosTranscriptStore(CosmosDbStorageOptions config)
            _storage = new CosmosDbStorage(config);
        public async Task LogActivityAsync(IActivity activity)
            // activity only contains Text if this is a message
            var isMessage = activity.AsMessageActivity() != null ? true : false;
            if (isMessage)
                // Customize this to save whatever data you want
                var data = new
                    From = activity.From,
                    To = activity.Recipient,
                    Text = activity.AsMessageActivity().Text,
                var document = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                // activity.Id is being used as the Cosmos Document Id
                document.Add(activity.Id, data);
                await _storage.WriteAsync(document, new CancellationToken());

Create and Add the Middleware (in Startup.cs)

var config = new CosmosDbStorageOptions
    AuthKey = "<YourAuthKey>",
    CollectionId = "<whateverYouWant>",
    CosmosDBEndpoint = new Uri("https://<YourEndpoint>.documents.azure.com:443"),
    DatabaseId = "<whateverYouWant>",

var transcriptMiddleware = new TranscriptLoggerMiddleware(new CosmosTranscriptStore(config));

var middleware = options.Middleware;





This is probably the easiest/best way to do it. However, you can also capture outgoing activities under OnTurnAsync() using turnContext.OnSendActivities() and then write the outgoing activity to storage, as well.

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