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Unable to access web server on Heroku

I am following this tutorial/guide . Locally, it works, using localhost as the domain, and 8080 as the port.

Here's the local configuration:

"dashboard" : {
    "oauthSecret": `${process.env.oauthSecret}`,
    "callbackURL": `http://localhost:8080/callback`,
    "sessionSecret": "fakesessionsecret",
    "domain": "localhost",
    "port": 8080

But now, I would like to use the app on Heroku, and access the web dashboard through https://project-name.herokuapp.com or through a custom domain, which I linked already to the DNS provided, in format dashboard.example.com .

localhost and/or the port does not work for Heroku, so I'm not sure what to change it to for it to work. I have already tried to change the domain to xxx.herokudns.com , port to process.env.PORT , domain to the custom one I set in Heroku - but they all result in the app crashing with status 503 when I visit the URL.

From what I see, the configuration domains and ports are used in these codes:

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const passport = require("passport");

passport.use(new Strategy({
    clientID: client.appInfo.id,
    clientSecret: config.dashboard.oauthSecret, //from configuration
    callbackURL: config.dashboard.callbackURL, //from configuration
    scope: ["identify", "guilds"]
app.locals.domain = config.dashboard.domain;

So how do I access the web application from Heroku?

When you get a 503, are you checking your Heroku logs? They should provide specific info about what's causing the crash.

The domain should be dashboard.example.com and the port should be process.env.PORT . Better still, use dotenv and a .env file to define your environment variables locally, and use Heroku's "Settings" tab to set the environment variables in production (in this instance, just domainport is already set for you on each app launch).

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