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How to subscribe to a ngRx state

I'm currently doing a setup of an ngrx app. One of the goal is to use ngrx to train myself even if the application is too small.

It's a small project for beer inventory management.

I've a component in which I want to display my beer list:

export class BeerListComponent implements OnInit {

    availableBeers$: Beer[];
    constructor(private breadcrumbService: BreadcrumbService,
        private beerService: BeersService,
        private store: Store<fromBeer.BeerState>) {
            { label: 'Beers' },
            { label: 'List' }

    ngOnInit() {
        this.store.select(fromBeer.getAvailableBeers).subscribe((beers: Beer[]) => {
            this.availableBeers$ = beers;
        console.log('fetching beers');

my beer service does the following:

export class BeersService {
    private firebaseSubscription: Subscription[] = [];

        private db: AngularFirestore,
        private store: Store<fromBeers.BeerState>) { }

    fetchBeersList() {
            .subscribe((beers: Beer[]) => {
                console.log("Received a firebase change");
                this.store.dispatch(new SetAvailableBeers(beers));
            }, error => {

and here are my reducer/actions:


export enum BeersActionTypes {

export class SetAvailableBeers implements Action {
    readonly type = BeersActionTypes.SET_AVAILABLE_BEERS;

    constructor(public payload: Beer[]) {

export type BeersActions
                        = SetAvailableBeers;


export interface BeerState {
    availableBeers: Beer[];

const initialState: BeerState = {
    availableBeers: []

export function beersReducer(state = initialState, action: BeersActions): BeerState {
    switch (action.type) {
        case BeersActionTypes.SET_AVAILABLE_BEERS: {
            console.log("Setting available beerse")
            return {
                availableBeers: action.payload

        default: {
            return state;

export const getAvailableBeers = (state: BeerState) => state.availableBeers;

What I cannot understand:

I receive beers from firebase, but my component never gets the update. If I check the chrome dev tools, I only get one this undefined but this doesn't get updated after.

Here are my logs: 在此处输入图片说明

I feel I did not register correctly to my ngrx state, but I cannot figure out what I did wrong?

I think I found my error!

I was subscribing directly to the beerReducers.getAvailableBeers and not the one of my app.reducer(which contains the CreateSelector and stuff)

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