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How to export Next.js static app for use in a Chrome Extension?

How can I inline _next/* files in out/index.html ?

How can I whitelist _next/ directory in manifest.json ?

I followed the instructions for exporting a static app , and used a simple manifest.

** manifest.json **
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "E1-static-export",
  "version": "0.1",
  "description": "Demo static export with inline / CSP hashes",
  "browser_action": {
    "default_popup": "out/index.html"
  1. yarn build && yarn export from /E1-static-export
  2. load unpacked extension in chrome://extensions
  3. right click browser icon Inspect Popup

Filed an issue because I've spend ~5 hours researching!


TLDR; I'm working on a better solution, but I discovered that Chrome doesn't follow underscores in the directory path.

My error had nothing to do with CSP, I merely had to rename _next to Znext and rename all occurrences within that directory. Following the static export tutorial, I ended up with a navigable "default_popup" palette with flawless client-side routing and my required package (crypto).

No need for "web_accessible_resources" or "content_security_policy" changes.

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