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Parsing Apollo GraphQL query into Sequelize query with include and attributes fields

I'm working with Apollo, building resolvers for my GraphQL requests.

To be efficient I want to get a list of models requested (with respective nesting) and the fields requested from each of these models. That way I can pass this information to sequelize to only join the models when required - and only pull the fields necessary.

Resolvers do pass this information on in the info object.

(obj, args, { models }, info) => ...

From the info object the fields, nested models and their respective selected fields are exposed through this path:


My problem is parsing this structure (in some sort of recursive manner I imagine) into a sensible structure for me to pass into sequelize queries.

An example GraphQL query:

  getCompany(id: 1) {
    companyOffices {
      users {
        userLinks {

Which generates the following on info.fieldNodes[0].selectionSet.selections (pruning some fields for the sake of brevity):


Using this information I want to generate a query like the following:

  const company = await models.Company.findOne({
    where: { id: args.id },
    attributes: // DYNAMIC BASED ON QUERY
    include: // DYNAMIC BASED ON QUERY

So I need to parse the GraphQL query above down to this something like this structure from the above info object:

  attributes: ["id", "name"],
  include: [
      model: "companyOffices",
      attributes: ["id"],
      include: [
          model: users,
          attributes: ["id", "title"],
          include: [{ model: "userLinks", attributes: ["id", "linkUrl"] }]

But I'm unclear how to achieve this with recursion without things getting messy. If there's an easier way of achieving this dynamic include / attributes I'm open to that too.

tl;dr - how can I transfer the models and fields of an Apollo GraphQL query into the include and attributes of a sequelize query?

It may be skirting the issue but I wonder if something like graphql-sequelize could help with something like this. If not I've used this strategy to accomplish the attributes piece of your question.

const mapAttributes = (model, { fieldNodes }) => {
  // get the fields of the Model (columns of the table)
  const columns = new Set(Object.keys(model.rawAttributes));
  const requested_attributes = fieldNodes[0].selectionSet.selections
    .map(({ name: { value } }) => value);
  // filter the attributes against the columns
  return requested_attributes.filter(attribute => columns.has(attribute));
User: async (
    _, // instance (not used in Type resolver)
    { username, ... }, // arguments 
    { models: { User }, ... }, // context
  ) => {
    if (username) {  
      // (only requested columns queried)
      return User.findOne({
        where: { username },
        attributes: mapAttributes(User, info),
    } ... 

I finally got a solution to this problem (kinda).

const mapAttributes = (projectors, models) => {
    const map = {};
    const set = [];
    Object.keys(projectors).forEach((projector) => {
        if (typeof projectors[projector] === 'object') {
            map[projector] = mapAttributes(projectors[projector], models.slice(1));
        } else {
            map[models[0]] = set;
    return map;

here projectors is the object notation of graphql schema, same like the object we get from info.fieldNodes[0].selectionSet.selections

and models, is the orderly way of iteration. so in the example above it'll be like

['company', 'companyOffices', 'users'] etc.

From the final map we get into a neat structure from which we good get the attributes.

And finally when you are returning the argument, you may need to convert the sequelize output into graphql type

const sequelizeToGraphql = (results = [], vouchers = [], postings = []) => {
    const final = { particulars: [] };
    results.forEach((result) => {
        vouchers.forEach((voucher) => {
            final[voucher] = result[voucher];
        const obj = {};
        postings.forEach((posting) => {
            obj[posting] = result[`posting.${posting}`];
    return final;

Here vouchers and postings are the table name for me in my sequqlize, similarly make changes for yourself

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