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How to unit test functions in a module?

I'm new to a project where there is a JavaScript script a3.panel.js written by someone else. It defines an module like this:

a3.panel = (function () {
    let property1 = {},
        property2 = $('.checkbox');

    function someMethods () {
        some logic

    return ({
        some value

with Jasmine, how can I test the method inside this module? I tried

describe("panel test", () => {
    it("should test", () => {
        var panel = a3.panel;
        expect(typeof a3.panel.property1).toBe("object");

and Jasmine returns:

ReferenceError: a3 is not defined

I guess the external library is not loaded for the test.

Can you try this in your Jasmine test (I haven't tried yet)-
document.write('<script src="http://.../a3library.js></script>')

You may provide local path too.


Use jQuery GetScript


Check this too - include external Javascript as a source to Jasmine

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