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How to change background-colour with href?

I have a page, https://adsler.co.uk/jobs/ , but when I try to change the background colour of the adverts using a href= , it doesn't work.


a [href="https://adsler.co.uk/job/nicos-cleaning-service-london-6-cleaner/" ] {background-color: 

a:active [href="https://adsler.co.uk/job/nicos-cleaning-service-london-6-cleaner/"] {background- 
color: white;}


I'm using WordPress and the page is controlled by a plugin, so difficulty to edit php/html, or even to find div class controlling entries,

You need to remove the space between the a and the [href...] .

 ul.job_listings li.job_listing a[href="https://adsler.co.uk/job/nicos-cleaning-service-london-6-cleaner/"] { background-color: white; } ul.job_listings li.job_listing a:active[href="https://adsler.co.uk/job/nicos-cleaning-service-london-6-cleaner/"] { background-color: white; } body { background: black; } a { display: block; } 
 <ul class="job_listings"> <li class="post-7252 job_listing type-job_listing status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry job-type-freelance" data-longitude="" data-latitude="" style="visibility: visible;"> <a href="https://adsler.co.uk/job/nicos-cleaning-service-london-6-cleaner/"> <h3>Cleaner</h3> </a> </li> <li class="post-6399 job_listing type-job_listing status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry job-type-temporary" data-longitude="" data-latitude="" style="visibility: visible;"> <a href="https://adsler.co.uk/job/nicos-cleaning-service-london-5-cleaners-needed/"> <h3>Cleaners Needed</h3> </a> </li> <li class="post-6379 job_listing type-job_listing status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry job-type-temporary" data-longitude="" data-latitude="" style="visibility: visible;"> <a href="https://adsler.co.uk/job/customer-assistant/"> <h3>Customer Assistant – Chelsea</h3> </a> </li> <li class="post-6169 job_listing type-job_listing status-expired has-post-thumbnail hentry job-type-freelance" data-longitude="" data-latitude="" style="visibility: visible;"> <a href="https://adsler.co.uk/job/cleaner/"> <h3>Cleaner</h3> </a> </li> </ul> 

Here's a fiddle to view: https://jsfiddle.net/3ycrt1qj/

There are CSS selector comes in the picture.

you can do that By simply apply css to your element by

    /*your css properties*/

Below are some references for you

    Syntax:  [attribute^=value] 
    Example:  a[href^="https"]  
    Description:  Selects every <a> element whose href 
    attribute value begins with "https"

    Syntax:  [attribute$=value] 
    Example:  a[href$=".pdf"]   
    Description:  Selects every <a> element whose href 
    attribute value ends with ".pdf"

    Syntax:  [attribute*=value] 
    Example:  a[href*="someValue"]  
    Description:  Selects every <a> element whose href 
    attribute value contains the substring "someValue"'

Hope this will help you

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