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How to by pass HTML encoding string in text fields?

I am setting a field in my HTML label from Viewbag which has a "'" in the text. when the HTML pulls up it shows ' in place of "'" . How do I stop it from getting encoded?

Please find the code below.

setting text fileds in the HTML view.


if (sessionData.data.EventDate2Def != '' || sessionData.data.EventDate2Def != null)
    $('#tdWhen').text(sessionData.data.EventDate1Def + ' and ' + sessionData.data.EventDate2Def);

$('#tdLocated').text(sessionData.data.Address1 + ', ' + sessionData.data.City + ', ' + sessionData.data.State + ' ' + sessionData.data.Zip);

Populating a different section with Dynamic data.

function populateSessionTable() {

    var count = 1;

    var tableContent = '';
    var record = '';

    var Sessions = sessionData.data.Sessions;

    tableContent = generateTableContent(count, Sessions[0].StartDateTimeDef);
    tableContent += '</tbody></table></div>';

    var radioStatus = '';

    for (var i = 0; i < Sessions.length; i++) {

        var content = Sessions[i];

        radioStatus = '';

            if (content.Capacity == content.Registered || content.Closed)
                radioStatus = '<input disabled class="selected-session radio" name="SessionId" type="radio" value="' + content.SessionId + '">';
            else if (content.StartDateTimeDef == '@ViewBag.WorkshopDateDef' && t24to12Convert(content.StartTimeString) == t24to12Convert('@ViewBag.WorkshopTime'))
                radioStatus = '<input class="selected-session radio" checked name="SessionId" type="radio" value="' + content.SessionId + '">';
                radioStatus = '<input class="selected-session radio" name="SessionId" type="radio" value="' + content.SessionId + '">';

            record += '<tr>';
            record += '<td class="session-schedule-table-btn">';
            record += radioStatus;
            record += '</td>';
            record += '<td class="session-schedule-table-session-number"> ' + content.Number + ' </td>';
            record += '<td class="session-schedule-table-session-start-time">' + t24to12Convert(content.StartTimeString) + '</td>';
            record += '</tr>';

            $('#SessionTBody' + count).append(record);

        record = '';

        if(Sessions.length != i + 1)
            if(Sessions[i].StartDateTimeDef != Sessions[i + 1].StartDateTimeDef)
                tableContent = '';
                tableContent = generateTableContent(count, Sessions[i+1].StartDateTimeDef);
                tableContent += '</tbody></table></div>';



The preview shows the name in the correct format, but when it gets rendered instead of having the quote, it shows '

This is how the output is coming up

So finally it was a stupid problem and I swear I had tried this before, but this is the code that worked.

var stuName = '@ViewBag.Name';
stuName = stuName.replace("&#39;", "'");

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