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Map function into global variable in swift error “ Initializer 'init(_:)' requires that '[_]' conform to 'LosslessStringConvertible'”

I have this JSON data that I just parse with JSONDecoder. I have made a struct to decode this JSON data and I want this value from that JSON to be a global variable so I can pass it to other controller. I already make this global variable and I just want to put my JSON variable into this global variable.

Since it's an Int and my global variable is a string , so I'm trying to convert it first with : var a = string(jsonvalue) , but I get this error:

Initializer 'init(_:)' requires that '[_]' conform to 'LosslessStringConvertible'

All of this I search it from web, I'm still a junior developer so I need your help please to finish my project.

this is my global variable :

            struct GlobalVariable {

                static var ProjectId = String() //project id
                static var UserId = String() // User Id
                var GroupId = String() // group Id
                static var Status = String() //Status for login 

                init(dictionary : [String : Any]) {
                    id = dictionary ["id"] as! Int
                    name = dictionary ["name"] as! String
                    email = dictionary ["email"] as! String
                    status = dictionary ["status"] as! String

                enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
                   case id = "id"
                   case name = "name"
                   case email = "email"
                   case status = "status"

        var Loginnn = [login]()

        struct login : Codable {
            let id : Int
            let name : String
            let email : String
            let status : String

        let parsing = try JSONDecoder().decode([login].self,    from: data)
        self.Loginnn = parsing

        //This is for login verification
        let stats = self.Loginnn.map { $0.status}

        //this is the Id value I try to make into global Variable
        let ids = self.Loginnn.map { $0.id} // I use this map    function to extract that value and put it into the variable 

        GlobalVariable.UserId = String(ids)// I use string to   convert from int to string. --> this is where the error begin 

        if stats.contains("1"){ // Login Success
            print("Login Success")
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
        }else if stats.isEmpty {//fail login 
            let action = UIAlertAction(title: "Got It", style: .default, handler: nil)
            let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Wrong Email / Password", message: "Please Try Again ", preferredStyle: .alert)
            self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

from that line of code : let ids = self.Loginnn.map { $0.id} , I am able to get that id value from JSONDecoder , but when I try to put it into the global variable it shows error like this:

Initializer 'init(_:)' requires that '[_]' conform to 'LosslessStringConvertible'

I need help, because I'm still a junior developer, so I don't know if this code is correct or not.

Assuming you only get one row back in your json message, or only the first one is interesting you can do

if let id = ids.first {
    let GlobalVariable.UserId = String(id)

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