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Select and organize same columns from different tables

I have a MySQL database with multiple tables and those tables contain multiple columns that are equal, and I want to push that data into a google spreadsheet.

For example:

table1 contains id , name , page , and a couple of columns specific for that table.

table2 contains id , name , page , and a couple of different columns

table3 also has id , name , page , and more unique columns, etc.

This is my code:

function readFromTable() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  var sheetDetails = ss.getSheetByName('Details');
  var sheetData = ss.getSheetByName('Clients');

  var host = sheetDetails.getRange("B1").getValue();
  var databaseName = sheetDetails.getRange("B2").getValue();
  var userName = sheetDetails.getRange("B3").getValue();
  var password = sheetDetails.getRange("B4").getValue();
  var port = sheetDetails.getRange("B5").getValue();

  var url = 'jdbc:mysql://'+host+':'+port+'/'+databaseName;
  var sql = 'SELECT id, name, page FROM table1 UNION SELECT id, name, page FROM table2 UNION SELECT id, name, page FROM table3';
  var connection = Jdbc.getConnection(url, userName, password);

  var results = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql);
  var metaData = results.getMetaData();
  var columns = metaData.getColumnCount();

// Retrieve metaData to a 2D array
   var values = [];
   var value = [];
   var element = '';

// Get table headers
   for(i = 1; i <= columns; i ++){
   element = metaData.getColumnLabel(i);

// Get table data row by row
   value = [];
   for(i = 1; i <= columns; i ++){
    element = results.getString(i);

// Cloese connection

// Write data to sheet Data
sheetData.getRange(2, 1, values.length, value.length).setValues(values);
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().toast('The data has been updated.');

Is it possible to select id, name and page from all three tables in one query and get the result in arrival order? I entered the same id in each table one by one, I mean, 1 in table1 , 1 in table2 and 1 in table3 in that order, then I did the same with 2 and etc, this is how the output should look:

id name page

1 name1 toys

1 name2 food

1 name3 electronics

2 name4 toys

2 name5 food

2 name6 electronics

3 name7 toys

3 name8 food

3 name9 electronics

But in the output they get grouped by table, and that doesn't work me:

id name page

1 name1 toys

2 name4 toys

3 name7 toys

1 name2 food

2 name5 food

3 name8 food

1 name3 electronics

2 name6 electronics

3 name9 electronics

I would post a picture, but I do not have enough reputation.

I need the output in arrival order, any suggestions?

您可以使用ORDER BY子句:

var sql = '(SELECT id, name, page FROM table1) UNION (SELECT id, name, page FROM table2) UNION (SELECT id, name, page FROM table3) ORDER BY id';

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