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Use tf.exe to create a new label from an existing label

In Visual Studio it is possible to create a new source control label from the files associated with an existing label.

How would I do that in a Powershell script, using tf.exe ?

This is possible with the /version parameter on the tf.exe label command.

Documentation explains that the /version parameter should be formatted as L followed by the label name:

# Create an alias to tf.exe
Set-Alias tf "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\tf.exe"

$labelName = "New label"
$labelComment = "Comment on new label"
$previousLabelName = "Nightly Build"
$sourceFolder = "C:\Folder\Containing Source\"

tf label $labelName $sourceFolder /comment:$labelComment /version:L$previousLabelName /recursive /child:Replace

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