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every time a new object is pushed into array my loop in template repeats. how can I handle this in template?

I want to print a list of cars whenever a new object is added to my existing array. the loop repeats and i print from start again. How can i avoid this ?

I tried using async pipe and also track by

// in the service
        obj = { data: [{name: 'car 1'},{name: 'car 2'}] }
            return Observable.interval(2200).map(i=> obj.data.push({name: 'car 3'}));

    // in the controller
    vehicles: Observable<Array<any>>
    ngOnInit() {
        this.vehicles = this._vehicleService.getVehicles().obj.data;

// in template
<div *ngFor='let vehicle of vehicles | async'>

expected car 1 car 2 car 3 car 3

but it gives

car 1 car 2 car 1 car 2 car 3 car 1 car 2 car 3 car 3

I think this solution is very bad. I hope this is an exercise. The problem I think is this:

  vehicles: Observable<Array<any>>
        obj = { data: [{name: 'car 1'},{name: 'car 2'}] }
            return Observable.interval(2200).map(i=> obj.data.push({name: 'car 3'}));

    // in the controller

    ngOnInit() {
        this.vehicles = this._vehicleService.getVehicles().obj.data;

Repeats in the view are probably caused by script errors (accessing some property of undefined) - isn't there anything in red in the console? A lot of red?

Anyway: to add cars, you can

getVehicles() {
   const obj = { data: [{name: 'car 1'},{name: 'car 2'}] };

   return interval(2200).pipe(
      map(() => {
         const data = [...obj.data, { name: 'car 3' }];
         return Object.assign(obj, { data });

To read them:

ngOnInit() {
   this.vehicles = this._vehicleService.getVehicles().pipe(
      map(({ data }) => data)

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