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Chain of promises in javascript with ajax calls

I have a function (f1) which I want to get called only after two ajax calls (say a1 and a2) are done. a2 should be called only after a1 is done. Following is the sequence of operation =

$.when(a1 and a2) {

I tried the following code snippet -


var a1a2 = function(){
  return $.when(a1()).done(function() {
    if (<check for a few variables a1 sets>) {
      // another ajax call for which f1 should wait
      return a2();
    } else {
      // random function for which f1 shouldn't wait

In the above code, f1 is waiting for a1 to finish but it is not waiting for a2 to finish.

I tried the following code snippet as well (but this also just waits for a1 to finish) -

var a1a2 = function(){
  var retVal = new Promise(function(){
      if (<check for a few variables a1 sets>) {
        return a2();
      } else {
        // random function for which f1 shouldn't wait

I have looked at other similar questions but an not able to devise a solution. Can someone please help?

Call a1 to get its Promise, then call Promise.all on a1 and a1 chained with a2 :

const a1Prom = a1();

 console.log('script start'); const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms)); const a1 = () => delay(1000).then(() => console.log('a1 done')); const a2 = () => { console.log('a2 starting'); return delay(1000).then(() => console.log('a2 done')); }; const f1 = () => console.log('f1 starting'); const a1Prom = a1(); Promise.all([ a1Prom, a1Prom.then(a2) ]) .then(f1); 

First of all, your Promise code is faulty, because you're not creating a Promise correctly

new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // in here you call resolve or reject otherwise Promise is forever pending

However, since a1 returns a Promise (as do all the functions, I'm assuming) you don't need to create a promise

So, your code would be

.then(function() {
    if (somecondition == true) {
        return a2();
    } else {
        f2(); // since there's no return here, there's no "wait" for the promise f2 returns
.then(function() {
    return f1();

To illustrate the above, here's your code once with condition true, and then with condition false

Take note of the "time stamps" for the console output

 // dummy code to set up some promises const dummy = (x, d=1000) => { console.log(performance.now(), 'start', x); return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => { console.log(performance.now(), 'end', x); resolve(x); }, d)); }; const a1 = () => dummy('a1'); const a2 = () => dummy('a2'); const f1 = () => dummy('f1'); const f2 = () => dummy('f2', 3000); // end dummy code console.log('wait for a2'); a1() .then(function() { if (true) { return a2(); } else { // random function for which f1 shouldn't wait f2(); } }) .then(function() { return f1(); }) .then(() => { console.log('dont wait for f2'); a1() .then(function() { if (false) { return a2(); } else { // random function for which f1 shouldn't wait f2(); } }) .then(function() { f1(); }); }); 

However! If f2 is a function that has no asynchrony then there is no way * to prevent f1 from being called after f2 finish - because that's how javascript works

* - I guess you could put it in a setTimeout, then f2 would execute after f1 begins (again, assuming f1 has some asynchrony, otherwise f2 would begin after f1 ends)

I'm not familiar with the when/done syntax, but this is a correction for your second snippet. A big hint I would give is that using new Promise is 90% of the time a bad idea.

var a1a2 = function(){
  var retVal = a1().then(function(){
    if (<check for a few variables a1 sets>) {
      return a2();
    } else {
      // random function for which f1 shouldn't wait
function a1() {
  return new Promise(resolve => { 

function a2() {
  return new Promise(resolve => {

function f1() {
  // this runs when the a1 and a2 is resolved.

// this is the call method. there are so many approach in your question first is chaining of promise.
function CallMethod(){
   a1().then(function () { // you can optionally pass data here via the resolve in the promise
      return a2();
   }).then(function () { // same here you can pass optional data here.
      // here the a1 and a2 is resolved you can call the f1() now.
// second one is called Promise.all()
function CallMethod() {
  Promise.all([a1(), a2()]).then(data => { // this is the optional data passed in the resolve base on the index of the function promises. 
     var firstResolve = data[0]; // resolved data of a1();
     var secondResolve = data[1]; // resolved data of a2();

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