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C# Selenium XPath data from row that contains a span

I am trying to grab data from a table that has two columns. The rows do not have a distinct identifier. But I can search the first column for specifics to find out if I should grab the second column's data. There are multiple rows in the table although the example below I am just showing one row.

<table id="subtotals-marketplace-table" class="a-normal a-align-bottom a-spacing-none a-size-small">
<tbody><tr class="small-line-height">
<td class="a-text-right aok-nowrap a-nowrap">

I need to search for Total: and then grab the dollar amount in the next column. I've tried multiple iterations of something along these lines but can't seem to find the correct syntax:




Try following Xpath.

//table[@id='subtotals-marketplace-table']//tr//td[@class='a-text-right aok-nowrap a-nowrap']


//table[@id='subtotals-marketplace-table']//tr//span[contains(.,'Total:')]/parent::td/following-sibling::td[@class='a-text-right aok-nowrap a-nowrap']

Here are different options.

Option 1:


Option 2:


To locate the text Total and then extract the amount associated with $ you can use the following solution:



As you are seeing the error as Unable to locate an element with the xpath expression , possibly you have to induce WebDriverWait for the element to be clickable and you can use the following solution:

new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)).Until(ExpectedConditions.TextToBePresentInElementLocated(By.XPath("//table[@id='subtotals-marketplace-table']/tbody//td/span[contains(.,'Total:')]/following::td[1]"), "$")).GetAttribute("innerHTML");

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