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How to add row to table dynamically on button click with Angular2?

I am working on Angular2 project and want to want to add rows to table dynamically, when a button is clicked. I know that *ngFor can be used to add rows dynamically, but I am interested if it is possible to use *ngFor only if button is clicked.

usually you use *ngFor to iterate over an array (generally of objects). So if your array is called "data" yo can have some like

<table *ngIf="data.length">  <!--Don't show nothing if no data-->
<tr *ngFor="let item of data">

Where you has a variable data like

data:any[]=[] //don't forget initialize!

A button can execute some like

   this.data.push({firstName:"firstName",lastName:"Last Name",age:18})

A quick sample:

  <button (onClick)="sth=!sth">click</button>
       <div *ngIf="sth">
        <div *ngFor="...">

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