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Uploading Images to S3 Bucket and Storing the URL in Django DB

I have a react native application which uses Django as the backend. REST APIs are used to send and retrieve data from the DB. Everything is smooth till the point where I have text information to be uploaded to DB which is easily handled by REST API. How do I upload images to S3 from the react native application and store the URL in my DB. Do I use an Image Field or is a regular CharField enough ? Do I need to configure S3BOTO in my Django application ?

You can use django-storages to setup the upload backend to use s3, then you just setup a ImageField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to='my_image_folder')

The upload_to parameter will use an existing folder on your s3 setup, or create a new folder. Your image will be uploaded, and when you serialize your model, you will get the url for it.

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