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Disabling split window android not working in MobileFirst8 platform

Trying to disable split-window feature in cordova application, Application works on IBM Mobile First Platform. Added android:resizeableActivity="false" inside manifest <application> tag as well as <activity> tag

Following error showing.

\\platforms\\android\\app\\build\\intermediates\\manifests\\full\\debug\\AndroidManifest.xml:94: AAPT: error: attribute android:resizeableActivity is private.

Please help. Thanks in advance.

Your answer is already given here by CommonsWare

From the Answer given

The activity that is at the root of the task controls the window size. Your choices are:

  1. Trace back to all possible task root activities in your app and ensure they all also have android:resizeableActivity="false"

  2. Force this activity into another task, via Intent flags when you start it or manifest settings

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