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Repository Pattern on Laravel

I would like to use the Repository Pattern but I am stuck on the syntax. I want to get my function index().

First step, I create my folder Repositories and I create the file AuteurRepository.php


In my file AuteurController I have this:

public function index()
   $auteurs = Auteur::oldest()->paginate(5);
   return view('admin.auteurs.index', compact('auteurs'))
           ->with('i', (request()->input('page', 1)-1)*5);

And in my Model I only have a file Auteur

protected $fillable = ['name', 'firstname'];

I have 2 questions:

1) In my file AuteurRepository how should I create my function index() ?

I have tried this ?


namespace App\Repositories; 
use App\Auteur; 

class AuteurRepository
    public function index()
        return Auteur::oldest()->paginate(5);


My second question is in my AuteurController I don't understand what to do ?

I have this for now

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Auteur;
use App\Repositories\AuteurRepository; 

class AuteurController extends Controller

    protected $auteurs;

    public function __construct(AuteurRepository $auteurs)
        $this->auteurs = $auteurs; 

    public function index(Request $request)

        return view('admin.auteurs.index', compact('auteurs'))

1) In my file AuteurRepository how should I create my function index()?

You can give it the name what you want, index(), allRecords(), ... . And perform the query you need.

My second question is in my AuteurController I don't understand what to do ?

If your repository looks like this:

class AuteurRepository
    public function index()
        return Auteur::oldest()->paginate(5);

In your controller you can access the repo index function like this:

class AuteurController extends Controller

    protected $auteurs;

    public function __construct(AuteurRepository $auteurs)
        $this->auteurs = $auteurs; 

    public function index(Request $request)
        $auteurs = $this->auteurs->index();

        return view('admin.auteurs.index', compact('auteurs'))

Also, you can customize a bit the query. For example:

In the repository accept a parameter in the index method:

class AuteurRepository
    public function index($filters)

        $pagination = $filters['pagination'];
        $order = $filters['order'];

        return Auteur::orderBy('created_at', $order)

And in the controller create the array to pass as parameter:

    $filters = [
        'pagination' => 5,
        'order' => 'asc',


    $filters = [
        'pagination' => 10,
        'order' => 'desc',

Or you can get the values from the request (be sure to leave a default value in case the request input is null)

    $filters = [
        'pagination' => $request->input('pagination')?: 5,
        'order' => $request->input('order')?: 'asc',

and then pass the parameter to the repo:

    $auteurs = $this->auteurs->index($filters);

Hope it helps ;-)

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