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why is two-way binding undefined in angularjs directive link function?

I am trying to send data from controller to directive , but i am getting undefined why ?

here is my code https://plnkr.co/edit/0gtFynDdvyY0sWqKGI2l?p=preview

I do the following steps

  <div img-upload="" previewData="data" method="POST" 

previewData="data" send data in directive in controller I defined like this

$scope.data =['sds']

but when i am trying to get its value in the directive . I am getting undefined undefined

why ?

link : function(scope,elem,attrs){
    var formData = new FormData();


scope : {
    url : "@",
    method : "@",


<div img-upload="" preview-data="data" method="POST" url="webfreaks.in/dummyService"></div>

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