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Adding comand-line behaviour in custom node-module like electronjs does

I am creating a JavaScript library and I want it to be used as a command when installed with -g flag. Question is how could I implement such behavior. I should be able to use that as a command.

Since electron behaves in such a way I thought I could refer electron code but didn't get from where it is happening.

I've implemented following behavior


module.exports = require("./lib/nexam");


'use strict'

exports = module.exports;

exports.sayHello = function(){
   console.log("Hello World");


const nexam = require("nexam");



$ node main.js
Hello World

I want to use it like this

$ npm install -g nexam
$ nexam --version
nexam v1.0.0

$ nexam --sayHello
Hello World

There are two things to handle here.

  1. Add bin to you package.json file
 "bin": { "nexam": "./index.js" } 
  1. Use commander npm package to read cli commands. Its very easy to use. Here is a snippet from their documentation page.
 var program = require('commander'); program .version('0.1.0') .option('-p, --peppers', 'Add peppers') .option('-P, --pineapple', 'Add pineapple') .option('-b, --bbq-sauce', 'Add bbq sauce') .option('-c, --cheese [type]', 'Add the specified type of cheese [marble]', 'marble') .parse(process.argv); console.log('you ordered a pizza with:'); if (program.peppers) console.log(' - peppers'); if (program.pineapple) console.log(' - pineapple'); console.log(' - %s cheese', program.cheese); 

All the best.

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