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how to register calss in php-di to automatically call some method when instantiated

i run controller this way

$controller = $this->getContainer()->get($class);

now inside controller i need to use models if i try to autowire model like

class MyClass extends Controller
    public function doSmth(myModel $myModel)

i receive error about wrong parameter types. controller methods shouldnt always use some model and because of this models need to be instantiated inside methods .

ok, then im trying to instantiate model directly

class MyClass extends Controller
    public function doSmth()
           $myModel = new myModel();

but i receive problem that i need instance of the container inside the model (to set up DB connection for example, and these settings registered inside container). i could transfer the container instance from the controller to the model like this:

class MyClass extends Controller
    public function doSmth()
           $myModel = new myModel($this->container);

but i would have to do this every time i need some model and this is ugly ...

im new to the php-di. i know that when im instantiating inside the method DI doesnt track it ... just dont know how to set this altogether ?

since Controller has an instance of the container required just to call the model through container and wrap it in some method like getModel($modelName)

class MyClass extends Controller
    public function doSmth()
        $myModel = $this->getModel('MyModel');

and get model will be smth like:

class Controller
    protected $c;

    public function __construct(ContainerInterface $c)
        $this->c = $c;

    public function getModel(string $name)
        return $this->c->get($name);

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