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google.script.run.withSuccessHandler does not return value

it is getting me crazy, the code was working yesterday, but not anymore. I tried to check all syntax again, but the issue still persists. this server-side request from Google Sheets, shows value on server side ( Logger.log() ), but returns null in client side.

function supervisorLine(lineData) {
  if (lineData == 'Name Value is not VALID!') {
    console.log("Supervisor Name Issue!");
  } else {
    document.getElementById('Team').value = lineData[7];
    document.getElementById('Shift').value = lineData[12];
    console.log("team " + lineData[7] + " shift " + lineData[12]);
    ////////////////////////////////// need to be Moved somewhere after password check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(function(quickStat2) {
    }).loginRecords(lineData[7], lineData[12]);

this is my server side code as well:

function loginRecords(team, shift) {
  var sh = ss.getSheetByName("Attn Rec");
  var result = [];
  var matchRec = sh.getRange("a2:l" + sh.getLastRow()).getValues().filter(function(a) {
    return a[1] === shift && a[4].valueOf() == team.valueOf()
  uniqeLogin = removeDups(matchRec.map(function(a) {
    return a[9]
  // Logger.log(uniqeLogin);
  uniqeLogin.forEach(function(a) {
    var ary = [team, 0, shift, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
    matchRec.forEach(function(r) {
      if (r[9] === a) {
        ary[1] = new Date(r[0]);
        ary[3] = r[8];
        switch (r[3].toString().toLowerCase()) {
          case "off-site work":
          case "hr action":
          case "present":
          case "late transfer":
          case "transfer":
          case "no show":
          case "Sick":
          case "vacation":
          case "late":
          case "approved delay start":
  return result;

for recap, Logger.log(result) returns the array I needed, but console.log(quickStat2) returns null .

I bumped into this issue some time ago, and it also nearly drove me mad (oh, the joys of loosely-typed JavaScript!). The problem is that you are trying to return an unacceptable type of data to client-side. Functions called via google.script.run have restrictions on what they can return (for example, you should avoid Date instances).

Restricted types

Currently, you can't return (take a look at the documentation for detailed explanation of restrictions):

  1. Date instances;
  2. any Function ;
  3. DOM elements (though <form> is permitted);


Changing ary[1]= new Date(r[0]); to ary[1] = r[0]; should do the trick, simply move Date parsing to the client.

For me it was related to Google's black-box serialization process. If the value originates from a range.getValues() call or other Google API it might not be plain objects/arrays/primitives, there might be complex underlying objects or unexpected Date s that fail the native serialization.

Forcing a regular JS serialization avoids the issue.

return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));

full example:

function getFirstCellInfo() {
  const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("DB");
  const values = sheet.getRange(1, 1).getValues();
  const row = values[0];

  const cellInfo = {
    value: row[0],
    valueType: typeof row[0]

  const serializedCellInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cellInfo));
  // serializedCellInfo is guaranteed to be a plain JS object
  return serializedCellInfo;

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