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Create multiple text files from excel cells

I have the text I want to use as the file name in Column B, and the content I want to add in to these files in adajacent cells in Column C. The solution is probably pretty simple, but the code I have now is creating the text files with the right name without actually writing anything to the file.

I have little to no VBA experience so this code is 100% based off of something I found on this forum

Sub CreateFiles()

    Dim sExportFolder, sFN
    Dim rName As Range
    Dim action As Range
    Dim oSH As Worksheet
    Dim oFS As Object
    Dim oTxt As Object

    'sExportFolder = path to the folder you want to export to
    'oSh = The sheet where your data is stored

    sExportFolder = "H:\"
    Set oSH = Sheet1

    Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")

    For Each rName In oSH.UsedRange.Columns("A").Cells
        Set action = rName.Offset(, 1)

        'Add .txt to the article name as a file name

        sFN = rName.Value & ".txt"
        Set oTxt = oFS.OpenTextFile(sExportFolder & "\" & sFN, 2, True)
        oTxt.WriteLine action.Value

To add to my comment, here is how your code should look, if you are looking in column B for file names, and column C for values:

Please set your sheet name in the code

Sub CreateFiles()

    Dim sExportFolder As String, sFN As String
    Dim oSH As Worksheet
    Dim rName As Range
    Dim oFS As Object, oTxt As Object

    sExportFolder = "H:\"
    Set oSH = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Your Sheet Name Here") '<-- set sheet name here
    Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")

    For Each rName In oSH.Range("B1:B" & oSH.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row)
        If rName.Value <> "" Then
            sFN = rName.Value & ".txt"
            Set oTxt = oFS.OpenTextFile(sExportFolder & sFN, 2, True)
            oTxt.WriteLine rName.Offset(0, 1)
        End If
End Sub
Sub CreateFiles()

    Dim sExportFolder, sFN
    Dim rName As Range
    Dim action As Range
    Dim oSH As Worksheet
    Dim oFS As Object
    Dim oTxt As Object

    'sExportFolder = path to the folder you want to export to
    'oSh = The sheet where your data is stored

    sExportFolder = "H:\"
    Set oSH = Worksheets("Sheet1")

    Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")

    For Each rName In oSH.UsedRange.Columns("B").Cells
        Set action = rName.Offset(, 1)

        'Add .txt to the article name as a file name

        sFN = rName.Value & ".txt"
        Set oTxt = oFS.OpenTextFile(sExportFolder & "\" & sFN, 2, True)
        oTxt.WriteLine action.Value

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