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Browserify npm library

I have a well tested npm library ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/yuml-diagram ) that I would like to Browserify so it can be used in browser applications.

The full source code is here: https://github.com/jaime-olivares/yuml-diagram

I managed to build the library as a monolithic package with the following command line:
browserify index.js -g uglifyify -o ./dist/yuml-diagram.min.js

Then I tried to use it in a similar fashion as in Node-JS, as suggested in several places:

        <script src="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jaime-olivares/5cd18b40f2bdcf5e403ed78d181c3d85/raw/00f5624fe30500a22144962184e927236f1ac45f/yuml-diagram.min.js"></script>
            function loadSvg()
                var yuml_diagram = require('yuml-diagram');

                var yumlText = 
                    `// {type:sequence}
                    [:Computer]async test>>[:Server]
                    [:Computer]sync test>[:Server]`;

                var yuml = new yuml_diagram();
                var svg = yuml.processYumlDocument(yumlText, false);
                document.body.innerHTML = svg;
    <body onload="loadSvg();">        

The require() function is not recognized, even if I use the flag --exports require in Browserify.

How can I invoke the library's processYumlDocument() function from the application script?

Browserify does not add support for require onto your page. Browserify is used on a javascript file that is using resolve internally and produces a version with the resolves statically included.

In your example you should move the content of your script block into a javascript file and then execute browserify on that file. Then include the final produced file in your page.

Found my own answer. It is required the standalone parameter in Browserify, as here:

browserify index.js --standalone yuml_diagram -g uglifyify -o ./dist/yuml-diagram.min.js

Where yuml_diagram represents the whole bundle. Then the library can be used with a couple of lines:

        <script src="../dist/yuml-diagram.min.js"></script>
            function loadSvg()
                var yumlText = 
                    `// {type:sequence}
                    [:Computer]async test>>[:Server]
                    [:Computer]sync test>[:Server]`;

                // Create the object and invoke a function inside it
                var yuml  = new yuml_diagram();
                var svg = yuml.processYumlDocument(yumlText, false);

                document.body.innerHTML = svg;
    <body onload="loadSvg();">        

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