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Why do I get an error for mutating “Vuex store state outside of mutation handlers” while inside a mutation handler?

I am getting this error when I edit one of the text fields (which updates the store):


I've already tried putting @change and v-model on the text fields and that is not proper. Need to find a proper way to mutate the state on an event triggered by the text field(s).

Example: Profile.vue :

<v-text-field @change="setProfile(profileData)" v-model="profileData.groupName" label="Group Name"></v-text-field>

Here is my code:

Profile.vue :

<v-text-field @change="set" v-model="profileData.groupName" label="Group Name"></v-text-field>

Profile.vue Javascript :

import { mapGetters, mapMutations } from "vuex";

export default {
  name: "Profile",
  created() {
    delete this.profileData;
    this.profileData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.getProfile()));
  data() {
    return {
      profileData: {
        groupName: null,
        groupClid: null,
        groupContact: null
  methods: {
    set() {
      this.$store.commit("setProfile", this.profileData);

build.js --> store.js:

const state = {
    profile: {
        "groupName": "Happy group",
        "groupNumber": "9999999999",
        "groupContact": "Bob Ross"

const getters = {
    getProfile: (state) => state.profile,

const actions = { };

const mutations = { 
    setProfile: (state, profile) => (state.profile = profile)

export default {


  • Remove delete this.profileData from created()

  • Change the set() to `setData'

  • Change to Object.assign (shouldn't matter if you use string->parse or Object.assign)

  • Put one change event on the card, above the text fields. This way, we don't have to duplicate the vue-style event listener.

<template >
  <v-container fluid>
    <v-layout row wrap fill-height>
      <v-flex xs6>
        <v-card elevation="10">
          <v-card-title primary-title class="pb-0">
              <h3 class="headline mb-0 pb-0">Group Information</h3>
          <v-card-text @change="setData">
            <v-container fluid>
              <v-layout align-center row wrap>
                <v-flex xs3>
                  <v-responsive>Group Name:</v-responsive>
                <v-flex xs9>
                  <v-text-field v-model="profileData.groupName" label="Group Name"></v-text-field>

import { mapGetters, mapMutations } from "vuex";

export default {
  name: "Profile",
  created() {
    this.profileData = Object.assign({}, this.getProfile());
  data() {
    return {
      profileData: {}
  methods: {
    setData() {
    getData() {
      return Object.assign({}, this.profileData);

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