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How to increment counter value for each dropdown selection

I am trying to increment the react state counter based on some option selection from the dropdown menu. The problem is I want to preserve the counter value and continuously increment based on condition like option "Test" is selected.

I am using below code to increment a counter if "Test" is selected in both the dropdown

{this.state.DownloadPrepare == "Test" ? this.state.Identify == "Test" : this.state.CalcNoOfObs+1}

You're probably looking for something like this: https://codesandbox.io/s/zealous-shirley-flznm

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    counter: 0,
    listOne: null,
    listTwo: null

  incrementIfTest = event => {

    if (
      //check if is already selected, do not want to double count
      event.target.value === "Test" &&
      this.state[event.target.name] !== "Test"
    ) {
      //increment count
        counter: this.state.counter + 1,
        [event.target.name]: event.target.value
      //decrease count if they remove Test selection, cannot be below 0.
    } else if(this.state[event.target.name] === "Test"){
        counter: this.state.counter > 0 ? this.state.counter - 1 : 0,
        [event.target.name]: event.target.value

  render() {
    return (
        <select name="listOne" onChange={this.incrementIfTest}>
          <option />
        <select name="listTwo" onChange={this.incrementIfTest}>
          <option />

Make use of the onChange() event-listener on the Dropdown (select tag). We can pass in the event and have access to the selected option through event.target.value . If it equals Test , we just increment the count

I made a script for on click you can do on the change as well I hope It's useful for you.


constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      DownloadPrepare: "Test",
      Identify: "",
      CalcNoOfObs: 0

click() { // make your function what you want on change 
    this.state.DownloadPrepare == "Test"
      ? this.setState({
          Identify: "Test"
      : this.setState({
          CalcNoOfObs: this.state.CalcNoOfObs + 1

<button onClick={() => this.click()}>click</button>

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