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React.memo prevProps always different from nextProps even if props never changes

I'm trying to reduce unnecessary rendering in child components. When a child component trigger a state modification all others unaffected components get re-rendered (in virtual DOM of course). I'm using React.memo but if I let the comparison to React.memo the renders are the same as if I wasn't using it.

To investigate the problem I tried to console.log the props.

The first component render a list of components based on props and on a template from another file.

const List = props => {
  return (
    <div id="List">
        el =>
            activeClass={props.active === el.type ? 'active' : ''}
            text={el.text} />
        ) }

I'm starting using memo in the ListItem component

    const ListItem = React.memo( props => {
      return (
          value={props.itemType} >


    }, (prevProps, nextProps) => {
prevProps === nextProps };

Whit this I get the same renders as if I wasn't using React.memo, so I console.log every single props.

prevProps === nextProps //false
prevProps.itemType === nextProps.itemType  //true
prevProps.text === nextProps.text  //true
prevProps.handleClick === nextProps.handleClick  //true
prevProps.activeClass === nextProps.activeClass  //true

handleClick is from an hook and I used useCallback to get always the same reference, I don't have other props so I don't know why

prevProps === nextProps

is still false. This happens in others child components, so I don't want to add a custom function in every one of them, what should I check next to ensure that prevProps === nextProps is true?

If you use === JS will make a reference comparison and what you need is a deep comparison. For do this you could use something like this => https://stackoverflow.com/a/38416465/8548193

or use lodash [ https://lodash.com/docs/] to make it more easier;

with lodash it will be something like this:

const _ = require("lodash");

_.isEqual(prevProps, nextProps);

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