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Issue with “No Staging repository found” in sonatype publish

I am using the amazing plugin sbt-ci-release but I think I am doing something wrong. I posted the whole details of all my experimentation and steps and attempt as an issue in their repo which can be find here .

To do it short, when travis is calling +publishSigned it is yelling about

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No staging repository is found. Run publishSigned first

When I tried to manually create a staging folder, it succeed without exception but did not deploy any binary and deleted the folder.

I am not sure what to try next.


The issue was that my branch tag was 0.1 instead of v0.1 , adding the heading v solve the problem.

See https://github.com/olafurpg/sbt-ci-release/issues/44#issuecomment-503087541

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