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Setting MAX_EXECUTION_TIME on codeigniter class doesn't work

Putting the instruction ini_set('MAX_EXECUTION_TIME', '-1') either at the top of the script or at the top of a time greedy function (like in the code down below) doesn't seem to work and I always get the following error:

Fatal error : Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded

Where should the instruction be placed?

public function generate_no_pass_link()
    ini_set('MAX_EXECUTION_TIME', '-1');
    $encoder = $this->di->find('ssl_cipher');
    $storage = $this->di->find('storage');
    $salt = $storage->executeSQL("select text from translations where entity='Salt'", \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)[0]['text'];

    $url = 'https://mydomain/usuario/actualizar_datos/';
    $sql = "select id from clients where state=512 and created_at between  1514764801 and 1559347199";
    $result = $storage->executeSQL($sql);

        foreach($result as $id){
            $client = $storage->findOneBy('Client',array('id'=>$id));
            $link = $url . urlencode($encoder->encode($client->getEmail(), $salt));
    }catch(Exception $e){
        echo $e->getMessage();
    echo "Links generados con éxito";

You should placed it anywhere but if you put it down below on the function that can take a while, then you may get a timeout above if the script takes a long time to get to where you called it. So you have to put it on top of the script.

<?php ini_set('MAX_EXECUTION_TIME', '-1'); 

public function generate_no_pass_link()
  //"Your code going here"

Or you can change in the php.ini file on your server


find this line:

max_execution_time = 30 //change it to -1

Its by default value vary from server to server. You can change it to -1

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