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Using variable outside of a javascript function

I am redesigning the select dropdown of a site and I am using a jQuery plugin called ddSlick. However, I can't seem to capture a variable I need outside its function.

In the code below I can't seem to have the second console.log(build) show what I get in the first console.log(build) . I get undefined . What could I be doing wrong?

$(document).ready(function() {
    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: function(buildings) {
      let build = buildings.selectedData.value

    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: function(noises) {
      let nois = noises.selectedData.value

You need to define the build variable in scope of both functions:

$(document).ready(function() {
  let build; // define here

    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: function(buildings) {
      build = buildings.selectedData.value;

    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: function(noises) {
      let nois = noises.selectedData.value

An important note here is that this logic relies on #demo-htmlselect triggering a change event before #demo does. As such, you may need to write some validation logic to deal with this restriction.

With that in mind I would suggest combining the event handlers in to one and checking the state of both dropdowns in there, something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#demo, #demo-htmlselect").ddslick({
    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: doSomething

  function doSomething() {
    let build = $('#demo-htmlselect').val();
    let noise = $('#demo').val();

    // validate both variables have values here...

    // execute whatever business logic is required based on the user input here...

You have declared build in different context. That is why it is not accessible. Make build variable global it will work

let allows you to declare variables that are limited in scope to the block, statement, or expression on which it is used. This is unlike the var keyword, which defines a variable globally, or locally to an entire function regardless of block scope


You need to declare variable in scope where you want to use it. lets declare variable in ready closure like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
  let build;

    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: function(buildings) {
      build = buildings.selectedData.value

    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: function(noises) {
      let nois = noises.selectedData.value

the following code will create the global state by using window object which is use to store data globally and we can use window object in any function.

window.build = "";
window.nois = "";
$(document).ready(function() {
    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: function(buildings) {
      window.build = buildings.selectedData.value

    width: 300,
    selectText: "Select an item",
    onSelected: function(noises) {
      window.nois = noises.selectedData.value

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