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No data is getting into a table built over a stream from ksql binary, it get's there if I do the same with ksql prompt?

I'm trying to create a table over a stream using ksql binary. The table gets created and starts running but when I query it there is no data inside the table. When I create the same using ksql prompt the table gets created I'm also able to query the data.

PS: I am setting this property SET 'auto.offset.reset'='earliest'; to query the data form beginning.

I tried both methods. It works when I create table using ksql prompt. Same command does not work when try to do the same with ksql binary.

sudo echo "CREATE TABLE movie_table AS SELECT title, count(*) AS appearance FROM test WHERE year > 1988 GROUP BY title;" | sh /home/binary/ksql http://devopsksql.default.svc.cluster.local:8088
ksql> CREATE TABLE movie_table AS SELECT title, count(*)
 Table created and running

ksql> select * from MOVIE_TABLE;
^CQuery terminated

Same when I run with ksql prompt open it works as is.

I am expecting a way to create a table and query it without using the ksql prompt.

You need to set SET 'auto.offset.reset'='earliest'; before your CREATE query.

If you want to interact with KSQL from a script I'd suggest using the REST API (eg via curl ) than trying to pipe to the ksql binary.

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