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YUI Calendar: How to disable the nextMonth click

In the YUI Calendar header there are left/right arrows (links) that changes the current month. I'd like to be able to disable the click event of this links. I tried using changePageEvent() but it happens after the month have changed. YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener didn't seem to work (maybe I'm doing it wrong).


If changePageEvent() fires too late, why not take the easy way out? Add the following to your stylesheet and the buttons won't display at all:

.yui-calendar .calnavleft, .yui-calendar .calnavright{ display:none; }

If that's not what you'd like, you can physically remove the Events by using:


But, the buttons will still appear and, since YUI uses a href of "#" on these links, your page will jump to the top. You'll need to apply some CSS to hide them either way.

You'll have to change the style after the calendar is rendered.

I did the following and the prev and next buttons were no longer showing:




var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
var navLeft = Dom.getElementsByClassName("calnavleft", "a", "companyCalendarContainer")[0];
var navRight = Dom.getElementsByClassName("calnavright", "a", "companyCalendarContainer")[0];

// hide the existing nav buttons
Dom.setAttribute(navLeft, "style", "display: none");
Dom.setAttribute(navRight, "style", "display: none");

You might want to disable "nextMonth click" because you actually want to restrict the input to a certain date at the top. If so, you should be able to set the max date value with calendar API.

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