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How can I prevent form submission (page navigation) on artificial submit event in firefox?

Nothing I do seems to be able to prevent the form from loading a new page. I have the following test code:

<form id="form" onsubmit="return false">
 <input id='input'>
 <input id='submit' type="button" value="click me">
 var form = document.getElementById("form")
 form.addEventListener("submit", (ev) => {
   ev.returnValue = false
   return false
 form.dispatchEvent(new Event('submit'))

The page just loads and reloads over and over again. Is this a bug in firefox? I'm on version 60.7.0esr

dispatch event forces to submit the form unless you make it cancelable. You can also add <form onsubmit="return false"> a quick solution would be:

<form id="form" onsubmit="return false">
 <input id='input'>
 <input id='submit' type="button" value="click me">
 var form = document.getElementById("form")
 form.addEventListener("submit", (ev) => {
   ev.returnValue = false
   return false
 let event = new Event("submit", {
  bubbles: true,
  cancelable: true,

I hope this helps

You need to make the event cancelable by adding a cancelable property to the EventInit Object that you need to pass to the Event constructor. It is false by default.

Consider MDN Event Documentation :

cancelable : a Boolean indicating whether the event can be cancelled. The default is false .

 var form = document.getElementById("form") form.addEventListener("submit", (ev) => { console.log("submit") ev.preventDefault() ev.returnValue = false return false }) form.dispatchEvent(new Event('submit', { cancelable: true })) 
 <form id="form" onsubmit="return false"> <input id='input'> <input id='submit' type="button" value="click me"> </form> 

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