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R: Plotting with ggplot using multiple lines

so I'm trying to Plot chart . I filtered the original dataset Datengf to get the median income of each year ( MULTYEAR ) and the variable Schulbildung . No chart looks like this: chart . Now I want to plot chart by using ggplot and geom_line . On the x-axis MULTYEAR and on the y-axis the medianincome . But I want it to be a different line and color for each value of Schulbildung .

Chart code:

chart <- Datengf %>%
  filter(SEX == 1)%>%
  group_by(MULTYEAR,Schulbildung) %>% 
  summarise(medianincome = median(INCWAGE))%>%
  mutate(Schulbildung = ifelse(Schulbildung < 12, "others", Schulbildung)) %>%
  summarise(medianincome = sum(medianincome))

I tried using

chartplot <- chart %>% 
   ggplot(aes(x = MULTYEAR, y = medianincome))+

but the chart is an complete mess.

Specify color in the aes function:

chartplot <- chart %>% 
   ggplot(aes(x = MULTYEAR, y = medianincome, color = Schulbildung))+

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