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How to create typo3 template for content element?

I have created a new content element for slider. I have added these codes in my typo3 setup


mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common {
    elements {
        rapigo_home_slider {
            iconIdentifier = content-carousel-image
            title = Home Slider
            description = A content element to add one or more images
            tt_content_defValues.CType = rapigo_home_slider
    show := addToList(rapigo_home_slider)




tt_content {
    my_extension_my_slider < lib.contentElement
    my_extension_my_slider {
        templateName = HomeSlider
        dataProcessing {
            10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
            10.references.fieldName = assets

All these codes enables a section in backend from where I can add slider content. But while redering it on front end there is an error

ERROR: Content Element with uid "26" and type "rapigo_home_slider" has no rendering definition!

I definitely missed something and I have no idea what I have to do. I am new in Typo3.

So my question is: 1) How could I define the template for my slider? Please also suggest the path where I have to write the code. 2) After it how could I get data from the content element so I can grab it from there and put it in my html design.

You need to add a fluid template file to the set of templates files already defined.

there probably is a definition like

lib.contentElement.templateRootPaths.0 = EXT:fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates/

As you never should modify the core itself (don't even add files to these folders) you need to add further folders with your folder path like:

lib.contentElement.templateRootPaths.5 = EXT:rapigo/Resources/Private/Templates/

there you have the template file HomeSlider.html . in that file you could do a

<f:debug title="all data available in HomeSlider.html">{_all}</f:debug>

and see what data you could use to work with. you should find a data object which contains all fields from the tt_content record.

Aside from templateRootPaths you also can add values for layoutRootPaths and partialRootpaths to enhance the set of available templates.

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